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Revelations of My Defender

Do you ever feel like God is silent, late, or just plain confusing? Me too. Here is what He told me when I brought these thoughts to Him.

Sometimes life is hard. I don’t pretend to know why things happen the way they sometimes do, but that’s not important right now. What is, in fact, important is that I have a mighty God Who promises that He, Creator of the stars, is fighting my battles for me. Whether He seems silent, untimely, or just confusing, know that He has your endgame in mind and is constantly working on His plan in your life, whether you can see the progress or not. If you believe God has spoken to you regarding a circumstance in your life but it seems as if it is now crashing down around you, don’t lose hope. Our God is not a God of halfway-miracles, and he promises in His Word that He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:8). We also know that He is not a man that He should lie (Numbers 23:19). He is going to carry out His work in you. Right now, just trust, have hope, and wait patiently in His presence. Rejoice in the fact that Yahweh is your defense!

Lately I feel like the Lord has been impressing the word “defender” on my heart. So, me being the nerd I am, I looked it up in the dictionary. I have heard many times (as have you, no doubt) that He is our defender, blah blah blah. It was only when I thought of God as my defender in the context of these definitions that I began to fully grasp this fundamental truth.

One of my favorite definitions of “defender” reminded me that He is fighting my battles-- whatever it is that is important and relevant to me, not just what someone else thinks I need. He is working toward my personal goals. As I began to understand, I decided to dig a little deeper to see what else I could uncover. I searched “defend”, and wow-- sometimes these things just amaze me.

The first definition explains that He will resist an attack made on us, so nothing can reach us. No matter what you are up against, God is pushing back that darkness to keep it away from you. By the second and third definitions, the tears began to fall as the words hit home a bit harder. My Defender is going to take care of it. If I just stay still and trust Him, He is going to take my case for me, change hearts in a way I never could have dreamed, bring out just the right information for the individuals to whom He is speaking, and present a winning rebuttal. Lastly, remember from the last definition that He will never change sides on you. He is always on your side, and He will never conspire against or betray you. Until you see the manifestation of your victory, follow the advice of Psalm 37:7.

May His hope and joy be forever upon your heart, and His love made particularly apparent to you in this season of waiting.


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